Ethicana User License

The EthicanaTM training package is provided to you under the terms of this license. This package is protected by copyright and other federal and state laws. Any use of the Ethicana package other than as authorized under this license or under copyright law is strictly prohibited. Ethicana is a trademark of the Anti-Corruption Education and Training Initiative.
The licensor grants you the rights contained herein in consideration of your acceptance of such terms and conditions. By using the Ethicana training package, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this license.
Royalty-Free Uses
Firms, government agencies, and lenders may use the Ethicana package for training/teaching their own employees, and may put the DVD and associated educational materials on their intranet for educational use by their own employees, but not on an open web available to all.
Universities may use the Ethicana package for training/teaching faculty and graduate and undergraduate students and may put the DVD and associated educational materials on their intranet for educational use by their own students and faculty, but not on an open web available to all.
Professional societies may use the Ethicana package for educating their members.
Uses Subject to Royalties
Companies, organizations, societies, or individuals are permitted to use the Ethicana package for fundraising, marketing, external training, or other purposes, subject to payment of a usage fee in the amount of $10 per attendee. Posting of the Ethicana package, in whole or in part, on any open web site or other medium for public distribution, is strictly prohibited.
Usage fees should be paid by check made payable to the American Society of Civil Engineers/Professional Practice, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191.